Are you a Canny Squirrel?

Everything is getting more and more expensive and we are getting worried!
We are going to search out the best deals available and look for ways to make and save you money every single day.
Here at Canny Squirrel we can share our ideas and make sure that we are all better off as a result. Come on in and be a Canny Squirrel today!!!

I never pay full price for anything....well that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you know what I mean.
We should always be trying to get a better deal on the things we buy and the services we use.
With Loans and Mortgages getting harder and harder to come by, unemployment on the increase and fluctuating fuel and gas prices, every penny counts!

This is the ideal place to share your thrifty tips and help everyone save and make money and become Canny Squirrels.

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Save 5-7p per Litre on PETROL

Message from

Save money on fuel with a Free Pipeline Card

Save money on petrol & diesel with a free Pipeline Card!
All those involved in the oil business are getting their cut from the inflated prices we're paying on the forecourts - the oil-well owners, refineries and filling stations. In February of this year Shell announced record annual profits of $25.36 BILLION. On top of that the government siphons off nearly 70% of the price you pay in tax.
These organisations behave as if petrol and diesel are luxury goods, and driving is a hobby. We are not 'motorists' as the media like to call us. We are teachers, nurses, workers and parents! WE DRIVE BECAUSE WE HAVE TO - NOT BECAUSE WE WANT TO!
There are nearly 32 million of us in the UK. If a large number of us stand together and chose to give all our custom to one major forecourt chain, we could negotiate a substantial discount for ourselves. PIPELINE CARD was established to achieve that and we already have over 500,000 supporters. It's a great start but we have learnt, to our cost, that it's not enough to make them budge. So we need more members...
It costs absolutely nothing to join, but by joining Pipeline Card today you strengthen our clout as well as making yourself eligible to buy fuel at a discount. By telling other drivers about this website you can make that happen sooner - and do them a favour into the bargain.

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